
Monday, November 7, 2011

Alien Snot

“Yuck, making alien snot is disgusting. Filled with disgust and horror, I waited to make the yucky snot in Room 13. I wonder what the snot will feel like.

If you are interested to make alien snot, here is a recipe to make it. The first step is simple, all you need to do is to pour corn flour into bowl so that you can pour water in it and give it a good stir. Last, some green food colouring and stir once more then you will notice it will harden quickly

Miss King came around with some corn flour tipping it in a bowl.  As I stirred the corn flour and water mixed together, it harden quickly. Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!! The food colouring was next, gross.

Making alien snot was not so bad after all. Although I thought it would of been disgusting, it came out good at the end.


  1. Hello Shalom! Your instructions are very good for making snot! Next time I'm running low I might just consult your blog to make some. I wonder what it tastes like... Well done.

  2. Hi Shalom!

    My name is Bonnie Gaudet and I am a student in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class at the University of South Alabama. Your instructions for making alien snot were very easy to understand. Great job! I bet it feels neat to touch alien snot. I might just have to follow your instructions and give it a try, since you said it wasn't as disgusting as you thought. :-)


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